very once in awhile I run across a new product that just "wows" me. Recently I was honored to be selected to receive a gift pack from the Gud company (the Burts Bees people!) to try some of their new products and fragrances. First, when the package arrived, I was completely in awe of the packaging. This wasn't delivered in a bubble wrap envelope....it was like opening the most special present on Christmas or your birthday.
This morning I used the
Floral Cherrynova™body wash, and the scent is the most delicate aroma. It's the kind of scent that will catch you off gaurd.....kind of like when the orange trees in Florida are in bloom. The wind blows and you smell the faint fragrance of the blossoms. That's what this scent is like.....very faint and delicate, so it doesn't over power you during the day.

My nose was in for a real treat when I tried the
Natural Body Mist in the
Orange Petalooza™scent. Oh my gosh.....I wanted to hide it so no one would find it! I'm a lover of more spicey scents, at least that's what my nose tolerates the best, and I always get the most compliments on when I wear it. The
Orange Petalooza is absolutely divine in my opinion. Even my twin three-year-old granddaughters love it, and now every time they come to visit, it's one of the first things we do.....spray ourselves with it. Again, like the Floral Cherrynova, it's a delicate, subtle scent that you'll only smell when you least expect it which is perfect in today's world of overloads on every front.
Now....another area I'm very picky about is hand lotions. I can't tell you how many I've purchased only to give away because the scent was so obnoxious to my nose!
Gud sent me the
Natural Hand Cream in the
Vanilla Flame™ scent.
I may sound redundant, but this scent was to die for! Again, subtle and calming, and the richness of the lotion was heavenly. More importantly, it didn't leave my skin greasy, or sticky, it was as if it just melted into my skin leaving it so soft and supple. I highly recommend this hand cream!
Gud has developed this entire line to include all natural products that not only perform extremely well, but deliver scents that virtually everyone will love. I love the fact that they've developed these with the finest ingredients, and stayed away from all those chemicals none of us can pronounce the names of. You really should visit their website, and see the range of wonderful products available. Take a few minutes to do so....you won't be sorry you did!
Oh and by the way.....Gud did not ask me to write this about them for sending the products. I just like to share information about incredible companies with awesome products when I find them!